To Limitless Possibilities

To the scared 17 year old girl who feels rejected and alone. Know that you are a strong, beautiful, and intelligent young lady who is wiser than most of the same age. You crave to be accepted by your family, loved unconditionally, and believe you can make an impact in the world. You are a hard worker, curious about the world, and are understanding that there are different perspectives. I wish you would know that it is ok to be different and to question. Questioning provides creative thought. Know that you are a bright light even now and that you are valuable. You are loved and forgiven. You already know you are here for a higher purpose and that life has meaning. You are not strange for knowing you have a purpose. To the 21 year old bride, you are beautiful and so full of hope and purity. You want to see the best in others and wear rose colored glasses. You are accomplishing things that no one else in your family has. As a result, you continue to try to prove your "worth...