Taking it Easy to Connect to Authentic Self

During spring break of 2016, I decided to go on a solo hiking trip to connect with myself in the Big Bend area. The experience was wonderful as I was able to meet new people, conquer a few fears, and mediate on both personal and professional goals. The experience helped me to begin to connect with my authentic self. At that time, I was in dissertation phase. For those who have not experienced dissertation, it involves a lot of pressure. The experience helped me take a break, which inspired me to persevere with data analysis and writing. I made a pact with myself to take it easy and go on a solo trip each year to celebrate me. Taking it Easy Can Bring Positive Change Taking it easy is a struggle. Females of my generation were told that we could do anything and everything at the same time. I bought into this lie and forgot that we only have 24 hours in a day. How we choose to give of ourselves can really impact our health. In reality, we cannot be everything to everyo...