Taking it Easy to Connect to Authentic Self

During spring break of 2016,  I decided to go on a solo hiking trip to connect with myself in the Big Bend area. The experience was wonderful as I was able to meet new people, conquer a few fears, and mediate on both personal and professional goals. The experience helped me to begin to connect with my authentic self. At that time, I was in dissertation phase. For those who have not experienced dissertation, it involves a lot of pressure. The experience helped me take a break, which inspired me to persevere with data analysis and writing. I made a pact with myself to take it easy and go on a solo trip each year to  celebrate me.

Taking it Easy Can Bring Positive Change

Taking it easy is a struggle. Females of my generation were told that we could do anything and everything at the same time. I bought into this lie and forgot that we only have 24 hours in a day. How we choose to give of ourselves can really impact our health. In reality, we cannot be everything to everyone. Perfection is a myth. Really I have never taken it easy. In fact, the day I turned 16 I had a job and have held a job every day since. Working full time is something I pride myself in, but I did so while earning a bachelors, masters, and PhD., and fulfilling the duties of being a mother . I found myself struggling as a single parent and realized that my boys were really missing their dad and rural life. In fact, we were all miserable. I remember looking up last winter break and telling one of my dearest friends... "We are miserable here." I had completed the dissertation earlier in the fall, graduated right before winter break, and began thinking.. now what? I had time to take it easy and I began to realize that life changes were needed.

My sons, now teenagers with raging hormones, were connecting with me. A series of events led our family to make some serious changes. The boys decided that they really wanted to live with their dad and move back to where they have called home their entire life, their family farm.  At first I was adamantly against the idea. How could they betray me? However, I was reminded by a family counselor that this was common and that really it was about ME. Instead, it was centered on the idea of what made THEM happy. Through a semester of counseling and prayer, we were able to work together and come up with a very amicable solution. The boys would try living with their dad during the 2018 school year. As soon as I told them that I was not against the idea and proceeded with steps to work with their dad to make legal changes, a surprising shift in our communications occurred.  My sons and I actually began to improve communication. Also, their father and I began to treat each other with respect and we have developed a positive relationship with each other. This change also allowed me to make serious changes. I was now able to live anywhere, pursue my personal and career goals of becoming a professor and continuing STEM and makerspace initiatives. So, I have taken a position at Sul Ross University, in the Big Bend area, to teach in the College of Education. In addition, I am working with several schools and organizations on STEM and makerspace initiatives and plan to start a non-profit this coming year.

Taking it Easy Brings Creativity

During the summer of 2017, I looked up and realized that I had not had time to really take it easy. As I continued to improve professional practices, I was able to receive an opportunity to go on a solo trip to Arizona to celebrate 2017 solar eclipse. NASA provided additional funding to utilize my makerspace and STEM station approach with a Navajo school. A few weeks prior, I took on a position at Sul Ross University and decided push ideas I have had to a new level.  I decided to leave my K-12 position at a school district, and enter the realm of higher education and consulting.  This has provided me the opportunity to move, meet new people, and take it easier so that I can focus on becoming a better version of me. 

I have had a few days on my own now in Arizona and I feel renewed and inspired. Working with the Navajo is a true joy and continues to provide inspiration. As I hiked around the Grand Canyon this weekend and around the town of Winslow, Arizona, I was reminded of the importance of taking time to celebrate yourself. Doing so can really generate new ideas. It provides a time of reflection through writing. For me, this solo trip has been a strange time of contemplating where I am in my life, what I want for my future, and, naturally, travel. This morning I learned that the Eagles wrote the song, "Take it Easy" while visiting this area. I took this as a sign of inspiration and immediately felt the need to blog. 

As I grow older, I have learned to accept that liking solitude doesn't make me, or you, strange. Solitude gives us the space to hear our own thoughts, which can feel like a rarity in our busy, appointment-laden lives. For someone like me, solitude is how I recharge. Embrace who you are and you'll be happier for it.


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