The Power of Gratitude

Reflecting on the Power of Gratitude for 30 Days to conclude 2024!

Day 1:  Grateful for my mom, dad, and grandparents. I know that life had not been easy, that they do the best they can, and know that I was blessed to have a family that instilled a sense of service to others and faith. 

Day 2:  Rest, recovery, and opportunity to start the healing process for my body in physical therapy are all things I am grateful for today. I can’t believe Thanksgiving break begins now. 

Day 3: Grateful that I have been blessed with collaboration opportunities with Dartmouth, a supporting department, and our eclipse collaborative partners. 

Day 4:  Grateful for time with Billy Jack, beautiful sunny weather, and memories made.

Day 5 & 6:  Nolan made it to Alpine safely and so did we, time together playing games, preparing and eating great food, and for our home.

Day 7:  We had so much fun putting up Christmas decorations yesterday as a family. I am so very grateful that Billy Jack and Nolan are spending time together, for time to play board games, and for great weather (sunny and low 30s-60s.).   

Day 8:  So very blessed to have quality time outdoors with Nolan today. We loved the Vise coffee, bookstores, slow walk in the Gage Gardens. So glad my hip and back are improving. Thankful for improving health. 

Day 9:  Missed two days traveling but I am very grateful to have had so much time with Nolan over the last week. I am grateful to be afforded the opportunity to collaborate with both UNT and Dartmouth this week. I am grateful for a new season.

Day 10:  Grateful for time to be alone, for the quiet, and for my health. 

Day 11:  Grateful to my RGC students, for the opportunity to mentor another colleague, and for a safe trip to Eagle Pass today.

Day 12:  Grateful to have the awesome opportunity with Dartmouth, the fact that 2 of my peers are coming to help today, and for my students that are helping today. 

Day 13:  Grateful for a very productive semester as a professor, for my students, and for physical therapy today. I am so glad I have some down time. 

Day 14:  Missed a day yesterday so going to continue here. I am grateful for a day of complete rest, for new friends, and for free time. 

Day 15:  Today is fall 2024 graduation in Alpine and tomorrow in Eagle Pass. I am grateful to my students who are graduating, the ability to work with other passionate people, and that I get to have the opportunity to live out the dream of a tenure associate professor. This is rare in today's world, and I am blessed to have this opportunity.

Day 16:  Journaling a little early but am so grateful for coffee with 2 new friends who pray for me and for my son Zeke, who is maturing so much. I am very proud of both of our sons and am so grateful they are in our lives. 

Day 17:  Wow! This was the quickest semester ever. Graduation was so much fun these last two days, but I am so very grateful to have 3 weeks to rest and recover. I am grateful that it is Sunday, my favorite day of the year, and for our church family. 

Day 18:  Today I am grateful for the start of the Christmas holiday! I only have a few advising appointments that I can do from home. I appreciate the time to take things slow, to listen to my spirit and body, to reflect. I am grateful to have the opportunity to share our story with the AAS on the eclipse mobile STEM lab. So much to be thankful for this season. 

Day 19:  I love our sweet Jacks, Mia, Zeus, Willie, and Princess Leia. These furry babies bring so much joy to our lives, and I am so grateful for them. I am thankful to have time off this week to just be by myself. Lots to process this last year and I am glad I have time to do so. 

Day 20:  Grateful to have a loving husband who is so very patient with me. Grateful for time to bake and create Christmas cheer and for my life coach who is challenging me to grow. I am making great progress in the last 2 months with a good start with Chapter 1 and plan on how the book will flow. 

Day 21:  I have no obligations for work on my calendar for an entire 14 days. I cannot tell you how much I need this break. I am so grateful for the opportunity to rest fully. I am ready to see our family and hoping that the visit goes well. Glad we have in place good boundaries for the holidays. Hoping this time provides multiple opportunities for joy, laughter, healing, peace, creative spark, and spiritual health. 

Day 22:  So very thankful that I have a family to see this Christmas holiday and excited to see both of our sons, our parents, siblings, cousins. Glad to have some time to be with them as it isn't every day that we get to see them these days. Grateful that we are spreading this out over a few days too. 

Day 23:  Blessed to be loved and supported by Billy Jacks’s mom and their beautiful family. The Crowders are so much fun and we had such a good day yesterday!!!! Grateful for a quiet morning and so excited to see our sons tonight. Christmas time brings our families together and I love that. We honor those who are no longer with us and also those who are here today. 

Day 24:  We had such a special evening last night with just our kids. I am so very grateful God helped us through the last year and brought us together! Zeke and Nolan are both becoming kind and humble men. Excited for Nolan to move into his first apartment in a few weeks. Zeke has opportunities to learn abroad. Proud of them both. We had a quiet dinner and a few laughs. 

God is good all the time! Letting my sons at their request live with their dad and visit us monthly, summers, and holidays when they were 13 and 15 was so very difficult but I know we are all better for it.  It took me a while to get to this place. 

Day 25: Christmas Eve is hope in new beginnings, peace on what is and is to come, a ray of light to keep going. Glad my our parents are here to celebrate with us today and tomorrow. Grateful for family today. 

Day 26:  Christmas brings new light and I am feeling that. So very grateful to have had time with my family yesterday and today. I am grateful that my boys were together, here, and surrounded by people who love them last night. Thankful for Billy Jack and glad we are spending the day with his dad abd family today 

Day 27: Grateful for time with all of our family this week. We enjoyed Billy Jack’s dad’s family yesterday. So grateful to be full and heading home today. Glad we get to enjoy another week and a half left of vacation at home in Alpine. 

Day 28: Thankful to wake up in our bed in Alpine this Friday morning with nothing scheduled this entire weekend! We enjoyed a full week surrounded by our family and I’m so glad we had this time with everyone. Excited to take some time to enjoy creative rest and am looking forward a healthier and abundant 2025.

Day 29:  Grateful for my health, for the opportunity to improve my health this 2025, and excited about working on my vision board and reading a book this next week for fun. After selecting my word of the year last year, peace, I quickly learned how powerful the word of the year that we select is. God immediately tested my peace on Jan. 3rd last year through a series of confusing events. I am grateful that I was afforded opportunities to practice and remain calm to react with wisdom, light, or faith in action. Excited to take this skill into 2025 and know that this new year will be amazing. 

Day 30:  Today is Sunday, December 29th, which marks my first milestone of writing for 30 days in a gratitude journal. I think I will continue this throughout the New Year, beyond the 65-day advocated in Clear's Atomic Habits text so adding this daily practice to the vision board. I am enjoying starting my day reflecting on the previous joys the day prior. We haven't been to church in 2 weeks and to our class in a long while. I am so grateful for our church family and am excited to go, learn, connect, and pray with our family there this Sunday morning. I know we will be inspired. 


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