65 Days of Gratitude Reboot

I am so very grateful that I am learning how to recognize better approaches to self-care. I realized this morning that I began this blog in October 2024, a decade ago now. At that time, I had no idea how much growth spiritually, emotionally, and professionally I would experience these last 10 years. I remember during one of my coaching sessions around 10 years ago, I was introduced to this idea of a gratitude journal. This is when I began this blog as an outcome of that session. It is a little ironic that ten years later, I am back here again working to revisit this same idea, a gratitude reboot.  It is a way to reprogram and reboot your thinking, a mind shift if you will. I am working with a professional career coach to help me continue down a new path toward working on a few goals I have. I have experienced so much change in the last decade that I do think I need a year to really process all of these experiences, sit with the emotions of them all, reflect on what I have learned, and decide how to best refocus toward moving forward. So, I am going to attempt to restart my gratitude journal for the next 65 days and work to reflect on this amazing journey of life so that I can greet the new Year with a good and positive attitude. Gratitude reduces stress, reprograms us to see opportunity, and empowers us to choose positivity in times of struggle. I am going to work to find 3 things to be grateful for during the next 65 days and am restarting my gratitude journal. 

Today I am so grateful for my family, starting with my husband, Billy Jack Ray, and our marriage. He is a man of integrity, has a heart of gold, always here to pick me up and understands excellence, is selfless and gets service to others. He is my safe space, is an incredible friend, loving stepdad, and man of integrity. 

I am grateful that my son Zeke is back in our lives, is doing so well, and has matured. I am so proud that he has accepted Christ this last year and continues to overcome so much. I am grateful that God is giving him and us another chance and that his heart is healing. I am so grateful to see the light return to his eyes. It has been amazing to watch him grow in light and to become spiritually whole these last 6 months. 

I am grateful that my son, Nolan, is doing well and is working toward his professional goals. I am so grateful that he is back in school and is in our lives. 

My family had a rough start to the New Year in 2024, with both boys living on their own for the first time. The struggle of a bitter divorce and outcomes of them seeking professional help (on their own) was uncomfortable at first but has brought upon us so much healing. I am grateful for a second chance to grow as a family unit this holiday season. 


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