Peace: An Inner Journey in 2024

Last year my vision for 2024 was peace, and I decided to study peace in depth and to take a year to reframe and better learn how to handle conflict. Many have expressed to me the power of words, but I can honestly say that I really have developed a new appreciation regarding the power a word can have. Within a few days into 2024, our world was turned upside down, with several personal storms entering our family the month of January. I found at the end of the month, I was in prayer, seeking spiritual guidance, counseling, and support. God shows up in times such as this to help us fine tune our spiritual walk and I quickly learned that my response to unforeseen tragedies and trials through community and prayer brought in complete miracles.  Light became possible in a very dark time because I choose to believe and trust in others. I let go and found that 12 months later, relationships grew stronger, and we are finding healing, which was only made possible through the action of peace in the midst of a great storm. 

Looking back at 2024, what worked well and what didn’t?

Reflecting back on 2024, I realize I have so much to be grateful for. In the mist of some very troubling storms starting early on in Jan. 2024, I learned to remain calm, practice faith in action, seek spiritual guidance, and to bring or seek a bright light to confusing situations. I learned to trust and to better practice applying boundaries. I learned the power of community and to put faith in others to accomplish much for a greater good. I had to release and trust others to accomplish goals and found that many were there to pick me up when unforeseen issues and events popped up requiring a shift in approaches. I learned that prayer, daily practices, and community work together.  I studied in depth the power of light and darkness, literally designing eclipse lessons while also learning and seeking spiritual truths light can bring. I learned to be flexible and speak truth in the midst of darkness to power and to advocate light or truth for others who were in a dark place. I am finding that the Creator of our Universe will step up to provide opportunities if we are alert, walk with purpose and gratitude, and are humble and gentle in our approaches.

I truly grew a lot this year, reacting to abuse in peace during difficult storms while still advocating for improvement. Prayer with others worked so well. I learned to become vulnerable, lived in truth, and found that so many were helped through testimony. Being thoughtful and practicing boundaries brought about improved experiences for not only me but for those that I love and honor. My pastor purchased a book for me to read in 2024, Journey of the Soul. This text was an invaluable resource for me as I learned to identify my season and to politely begin to say no to service acts that no longer served a higher purpose and focus on commitments on less so that I could bring my whole self to the act of service. I withdrew from serving on 1 board, removed myself from several committees, mentored others and began to release commitments to focus on endeavors that I wanted to dedicate my time to. I needed a year of inner healing and reflection as I have been exhausted over the last few years, spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally. 

What important lessons did you learn in 2024?

2024 taught me to be flexible and to trust the process of change. I learned to take time to make friends outside of work, to develop stronger and new relationships, to be open to others and to let go with grace. I became aware of the importance of me to consciously decide to remove people or situations in my life that are no longer contributing positively to my well-being, focusing on experiences and connections that bring joy, support my personal growth; and to make space for what truly matters. Peace requires us to make space by releasing what is no longer supports growth. Reframing the ideas of releasing others with grace has helped me this fall.  Making more space for a better friend, better work environment as I deserve to have people in my life that help me grow. Roadblocks and obstacles have helped me to learn to release, to trust the process, and to welcome amazing opportunities’ that have come into my life as a result. All things are truly working to our good and it is a relief to finally learn to trust that the creator already has everything worked out for a greater good or purpose. Advocating for real and healthier change is so important. I am learning to recognize that I am again transforming and am excited to greet 2025. I feel this will be a year of healing, a year of accountability, growth, wellness, and authentic connection. 

What words best describe the person you want to be in 2025?

Healthy, Worthy, Happy, Healing, Hopeful, Grateful, Balanced, Transformative, Present

What are your top 5 values?  

Integrity, Loyalty, Community, Wellness, Gratitude

How do you want 2025 to feel?

Healthy, Worthy, Loved, Valued, Included, Abundant, Recognized, Detox to bring positive energy to my life.

What do you want more of in 2025?

Good health, healing, breathing, love, peace, hope, abundance, communication, trust, live intentionally, make new friendships and continue building on relationships that I have right now. I would like to value my time more to spend with people that pour into me and inspire me.

What do you want less of in 2025?

Toxic situations, confusion, manipulations, drama, fear

What words best describe the things you want to accomplish in 2025?

Wellness, Healing, Renewal, Energy, Abundance

I accomplished much in 2024 and know this will build a better and healthier version of me in 2025. Reviewing my progress, I really grew most spiritually this year. I am grateful to my pastor and counselor for helping me navigate my spiritual growth as it wasn't done in isolation.  I am proud that I maintained my physical health this year, still 30 pounds down from 2023 but didn't meet my overall weight goal. I had an injury in 2024 that prevented progress here, but that injury did force met slow down and to listen to my body. I am now in physical therapy and am making some progress here so that I can really focus on my physical body and healing in 2025. My career is taking off and I feel that I am greatly transforming again in this area. I want to focus on my professional growth through the publication of a book and am excited to be working with a career coach in 2024 to help make this a reality. Detoxing is so important to learning how to let go. I have never been good at letting go but I feel this could help me in so many areas of my life. I would like to declutter many of our spaces this New Year season, which I think will help me grow in other areas in 2025. In fact, this might be something to do this weekend as I welcome a 2025 vision. 


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