Finding Your Source

You are a compassionate, creative, and loving spirit. This year I am working on centering my life's purpose of focus, or spiritual growth. I recognize that for a few decades, like many, became lost in the business or achievement of life. I am a product of a culture of champions, or the culture that feeds competitive champions, achievers, that fostered the sense of Winning. How do you become a more powerful creator with an intention of love?

Knowing and Identifying Intention: I have always suffered from the disease to please. Only do what you really want to do so that you can give yourself fully.  I am what I have versus I am what I do. Significant others in my life were consumed with I am what I have. I am guilty of I am what I do, competitive. I am what people think of me is another issue I have battled. As I have worked on this during the last month, I have identified my life's purpose and have found focusing on this these past few weeks has assisted me to respond to others with an intention of purposeful positive action.
    • Intention is one with cause and effect. 
    • Intention will ultimately determine the outcome of the effect. 
    • Identify how you wish to serve (Purpose).
    • Post your life's purpose to assist with focus. 
    • Go inside, take time before you react. Develop emotional awareness. This is new to me.
    • Choose consciously, try to choose to act in the  most loving way in the moment. Choose an intention of love instead of fear.  
Finding Your Joy:  Certain environments have always renewed my spirit to assist me in finding my joy to include my grandmother's house, certain areas in the Texas hill country, a walk in a forest, a beach. Nature has always healed my soul. 
    • Allow yourself to feel. 
    • Finding your joy is a process. 
    • Practice gratitude. 
Every action has an opposite reaction.
    • Golden Rule or Karma is real. Consider that everything you try to do to me, is already done to you. 
    • Give to the world what you want and you will receive it back. It may not be delivered by the same person involved. 
    • You don't have to worry about someone who does harm to you because the karma debt will take care of itself. If you do judge and act with intention, you will be delivered consequences of your own choices. 
I am reading the following books and viewing resources during the month of August and September to assist me with in improving these principles. 


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