To 45....

What I Know at 45...
  1. Start each day with gratitudes and spiritual meditation. 
  2. Life doesn’t go as planned. By 45, things have happened and you become humbled.
  3. Learn to have faith when your going through dark times. The light is near.Truth always prevails.
  4. People who you thought would be there for you will disappoint you. Be gracious and forgive them anyway. 
  5. Recognize, love and honor your tribe. The people who are the for you during tough times. This is your family.
  6. Forgiving someone doesn't mean you open the doors to your life. It does mean that you try to give them a clean slate and truly let go. Set a firm boundary and be always be kind.
  7. Health matters and physical health relies on spiritual and mental health wellness.
  8. Take time to go outside as much as you can.
  9. You don’t have to respond immediately. 
  10. Work is not everything and your success isn’t dependent on an organization or someone’s approval. God has a plan for you and a purpose. Know that.
  11. Integrity matters.
  12. Live and speak your truth gently. 
  13. You are unique and beautiful just as you are. Don’t be something you are not.
  14. Life is short. Tell people you love them. 
  15. Listen to your soul and the energy you feel when your around someone. If it’s dark, stay far away. 
So here’s to my 45 years of wisdom. I’ve made a lot of mistakes, grateful for a colorful life, lived every moment,  and have been blessed by so many. I’m grateful to my tribe and hope to continue this journey we call life to make a positive difference in our world. I’m going to bake and eat my own cake, let my hubby and youngest son cook for me, and smell my flowers. 


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