Gratitude Journey: 31-65 Days of Thankfulness and Reflection
Continuing with the idea of cultivating a mind-shift toward positive thinking through deep reflection, I am going to keep journaling on gratitude.
Day 31: Our pastor and his wife are such a blessing to both Billy Jack and me. They are both so very wise at such a young age, offer our community hope, and serve as a great mentor and friend to both Billy Jack and me. Yesterday they gifted us a book, which I am so very grateful for. Glad we began and ended our 2024 with our church family. They are a blessing to us.
Day 32: NYE 2024… This year produced so many miracles, brought healing, peace, and introduced me to so many new friends. I’m so grateful if the outcomes and the journey.
Day 33: Happy New Year!!! I cannot believe it is 2025. Grateful to greet a new year, fresh start, a new day! It’s also Zeke’s 22nd birthday. So grateful he’s in our life. It’s sunny outside and we have the entreat of the week to recharge.
Day 34: Billy Jack and I still have 4 days left of vacation so happy that we have more time together. Grateful to have the opportunity to heal by attending physical therapy today and tomorrow. Starting my 3 day cleanse this weekend. Here’s to improving my health in 2025.
Day 35: We had a date day in Fort Stockton and I’m so grateful for our time together. Billy Jack is such a healing presence in my life, for our family, and many others. We enjoyed a steak at Kbobs and a trip to the grocery store. I’m grateful we were able to purchase some healthy foods to restart our health kick. Living a pretty good life right now. God is good.
Day 36: It feels so good to declutter. Billy Jack and I took the Christmas decorations down and ended up decluttering our garage. Two truck loads hauled off, Christmas decorations given away, 2 trips to the resale shop, and have so much space in my closets, cabinets, and garage. Grateful to be able to release stuff. It felt good. I’m holding on to so much from the boys. It’s time to release it, and I’m grateful to be in a place where I feel I can without sadness or guilt.
Day 37: The flu has had me down for the last 7 days, but I am so grateful this morning to be over the hump, for my health, and for the ability to take a week to heal fully. I am so thankful for rest, the ability to pause, and to greet the New Year slowly.
Day 38: Still recovering from sickness so today I am grateful to have had a soft launch back to work this week. I am grateful that I am putting my health and wellbeing first this week. I am grateful that we got Nolan into his first apartment and am excited to see how his year unfolds. I am grateful that I have opportunities to travel abroad.
Day 39: Grateful for my dad and that he still calls to check on me. I’m glad to be home this weekend restoring my health and grateful for the ability to rest. Grateful for seasons of rest.
Day 40: Grateful for our freedoms and was reminded of that watching the inauguration events today. We are so blessed to live in times such as these. So thankful for Nolan. His 20th birthday was yesterday and he is such a blessing in our lives. I am excited he’s doing well and in school.
Day 41: Met with my career coach last night and grateful for my breakthrough. Going to work on inward validation and celebrating myself, So glad Nolan landed a job on campus yesterday and had a great first day back at Angelo State.
Day 42: Grateful for a productive day, for a quiet evening alone, and that tomorrow is Friday!
Day 43: Grateful that I am choosing to protect my peace amongst toxic situations and to put my well being first. Glad to have lunch with new friends today. I pray God fills my life with people who help me thrive.
Day 44: Thankful for the warmer weather, for opportunities to share with others this semester, and for a slow Saturday.
Day 45: Grateful for slow Sundays, for coffee time on a Sunday morning, and for the angels that continue to protect my family.
Day 46: Thankful for early starts, for a job that I love, and for the ability to make an impact today.
Day 47: I had such a productive Monday yesterday and I’m grateful for that. I slept so well last night. Thankful for so many amazing opportunities this spring.
Day 48: Thankful to have the opportunity to grow and learning to rejoice during times of change and share to my story. Grateful God is removing blockages and excited about the future. So grateful that all things work for our good and humbled to have the opportunity to work for a higher purpose. Grateful to have learned so much about faith due to the experiences and disappointments from others. So grateful to know my table is built, that God protected me from abuses, character assaults, and all is working out for a higher purpose as truth was finally revealed. Walking in the light and grateful I’m feeling g better with each passing day.
Day 49: So very thankful that God loves us unconditionally, Grateful for our pastor and his wife, and for the opportunity to grow with Billy Jack through teaching a joint study in our College and Careers class. Reminded this week that joy can be found amongst struggles.
Day 50: Enjoyed my drive to Eagle Pass. The students really love seeing me there and that always feels good. Grateful God is revealing hard truths and trying to use this time to fine tune my faith, patience, and spiritual skills as he reveals what is next. So proud I demonstrated response skills instead of reacting skills yesterday during g a disappointing experience.
Day 51: Grateful to be afforded the opportunity to protect my energy and to have had an entire weekend to recharge. Glad to have Nolan back in our daily lives. Enjoying our conversations and excited to celebrate Billy Jack tomorrow. It is his birthday tomorrow so going to make a special dinner tonight.
Day 52: Today is our Billy Jack’s 49th birthday! He is my rock. I love him dearly and am so grateful to him. Thankful for all that he does to support me, our kids, our family. He’s so very special and can’t wait to celebrate him this evening.
Day 53: Grateful for my career coach as I’m making such progress on the book, feeling like a weight was recently lifted, and feeling very aligned and better. Thankful to have had a slow start to the New Year. Loving the warmer weather as my body and spirit just feels healthier.
Day 54: Very thankful to have had a very peaceful evening last night restoring professional relationships. I am grateful for my department, colleagues, and for grace.
Day 55: I love Fridays! Grateful that we will have some time to celebrate the Super Bowl, work accomplishments in Austin, and time with family over the next week.
Day 56: It is such a good feeling when ai to hear from both of the boys. I certainly don’t take it for granted. Proud of both of our kids and glad to see them both pursuing their passions. So glad to have a Saturday to take it slow. Going to work in the from flower bed today and play with my plants and pull weeds.
Day 57: Thankful for a new week, hopeful that today goes well, and grateful for new opportunities.
Day 58: Grateful that our Creator sends complete strangers often of whom opens doors of opportunities to guide me toward a deeper purpose. Recognizing how far I have grown and sm do grateful for the delays, hardships which continue to bless me and others in so many ways. Excited to finally learn how to trust again.
Day 59: So very humbled and thankful to have the opportunity to celebrate myself and that we get to see all of our family this week. Billy Jack and I are so fortunate to have this week. Grateful for the opportunity to heal.
Day 60: Thankful to God for sending complete strangers to celebrate our team’s hard work this last few years. Grateful to have had leaders to support and champion our work. It’s a real honor.
Day 61: Thankful for the recognition, support, and love afforded to me yesterday. Had the very best day and ended with celebrating Billy Jack with his dad and brother. Excited to see our family this weekend and to spend time with them.
Day 62: It felt so amazing to spend time with Zeke and Nolan.. I’m so glad they are in a better place right now and love seeing them figure life out at 22 and 20 years old. Grateful they are both in our lives. It felt good to see my family.
Day 63: Really enjoying life and grateful for a great start to the week. Thankful that I had a smile all day on Monday. I feel lighter and creative. Enjoying time with a new friend, seeing progress with my personal growth, and feeling like I’m finally healing.
Day 64: We really grow as a couple co-teaching the Wednesday night college and careers class. We grow so much from that experience each week. I’m grateful we’ve been afforded the opportunity to lead in that way.
Day 65: Today I gave the opportunity to attend a conference with a couple of students in San Diego. Very grateful to learn and connect with other educational researchers. Going to continue to journal gratitudes. It continues to help me reflect on the daily wins.
Day 65: San Diego is so beautiful and I’m grateful to be here today, to be inspired by others, and to connect with my professional tribe.
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