A New Year Brings New Joys

During 2016, I completed my PhD and checked off a huge career milestone. There are so many people I am grateful to, encouraging me to the finish line. I am sure I will blog more about this later this month.

I can now get my life back. Wait a minute.... Life has drastically changed. What will I do now? I now have time to actually take care of myself. Practicing unconditional love toward myself is very hard. It is hard for me to not look toward others for strength. However, this year I am committed to learning how to practice extreme self care, focusing attention to spiritual growth, health, and home. I want to create a healthier balanced life, a new start, and leverage resources to live a creative, joyful, peaceful and abundant life. To kick this off, I have entered a 5K on Saturday, thanks to the encouragement of a good friend. Other friends are helping me by suggesting recipes, possible fitness centers, books, and I even had someone suggest that I subscribe to Dawn Jackson Blatner's weekly blog, the creator of The Superfood Swap this morning. Our wealth is found in our health. My strength is found in my sacred place found in my home. So, I am going to redesign a space in my home to encourage this.

This year I am going to do things that are FUN and make me happy! I am going to schedule activities that I enjoy to foster joy.  I realize that this year will be a year of personal growth centered on being self aware, learning to listen to my instincts, and trusting myself. It is about enjoying the journey as one of our PhD cohort members would often say. I am finally starting to understand what he meant by that statement.


  1. So happy & proud for you in all you've accomplished. I would love to get together for some cooking sessions! I really enjoy cooking fresh, healthy recipes and found that there's some great options out there!

  2. For sure Bonnie! I need all the help I can get. Thank you for all that you have done for me. Your a special lady and true friend.


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