Hope - A Message of Christmas

Today marks the beginning of advent for Christians, a theme of Hope. I was reminded today how important that message is as it brings themes of patience, love, understanding, and faith. We were reminded by our leader this morning about the story of Zacharias (name meaning “Yahweh remembers”)  and Elisabeth (meaning “God's oath”), both characters in the introduction to the Christmas story and strong examples of this message. It is a story of light appearing in a dark circumstance as Zacharias and Elisabeth were seen as leaders without child, and that was seen, and sometimes still viewed by some, as being a punishment from God.  Late in life they were blessed, prayers answered as they had a child, John, who became a blessing to many people. The message of Christmas begins as a story of hope.

As a 42 year old mother of two teenage boys whose parents are divorced, I often feel my family is broken and look around to see so many teenagers from broken homes.  Divorced parents face a strong stigma often in society.  I never realized it until I was one. As I mentioned in a previous blog, my teenage sons decided last August to try moving back to live with their dad during the school year. Roles reversed three months ago.  Many don't understand how hard it is to let your teenagers go from being under your roof everyday, especially during the holiday season. Often these things happen, as it is what the child wants.  We have had a few rough spots this fall, and I am very much involved in their  life. This is what they feel will make them happy, and you just don't want your kids to run away. It was hard to let them go, I am often heartbroken.  Fears of my kids not turning in their homework, making good friends, getting a good nights rest, transition problems and so many more often plague me.  Yet, I meet so many former colleagues, friends from my youth, and others in their midlife going through similar circumstances. In fact, a dear friend yesterday reminded me that is what the lessons of the living in your 40's  is all about. Many of us have aging parents we must support, kids in blended families or divorced situations, and life becomes very real to many of us as we realize each day is a gift and things can change instantly. Lessons during the last five years encourage me to grow a strong faith. Suddenly, something happens and we realize that everyone goes through this change. The hope message for me this last week, is that my family is not  broken but only fractured. For the last 5 years, I have felt my family as being unrepairable but during the last few months, I realize this is not true. Fractures heal easily, as Billy Jack reminded me today.  Meeting strong women continue to remind me that we are Divine Warriors. We should hold our heads up and walk tall, as we were promised a message of hope. We walk with the light, in truth, and in victory as we are blessed. Believe in abundance, act in faith, and be free. We become what we think and if you are stuck in a pattern of thinking untruths (you are unloved, insignificant, unworthy, overly important, lack imagination, have an ego, etc.), know that you are good enough. Armor yourself in truth and gratitude and be liberated as you are loved, more than enough, and have such strong potential. Do what you love, be kind to others, good things will continue to come. We have so much to be grateful for.


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