Time to Take that Summer Break!

It is really hard for me to take a break. I have always been wired to achieve, and as a contributor, I am learning that REST is so vitally important to your health. After teaching during COVID-19, I have found myself exhausted.  I have decided to take a break this summer and spent much of the last few days outdoors, walking in nature, reading, feeding my spirit, unplugging, and journaling. I have jotted a few items or thoughts down over the weekend and decided it was time to revisit my personal growth blog. I have come a long way since I started on this journey in 2014 of healing. I believe I had a breakthrough over the last year in 2020. Finally, working on childhood patterns that were developed, I made a lot of headway. As I began noticing patterns in my life that kept reappearing, I began to really equip myself by first recognizing the emotional traumas from my youth and began a commitment to recovery. Part of that recovery is self-reflecting on these topics in this journal/blog that began 7 years ago.

We must do whatever it takes to support ourselves. This is our job and we cannot put that on anyone else. It is so important to take the time to become clear and to remember those core values that define your truth. For me, I value kindness, honesty, loyalty, fairness, recognition, and freedom. These values define how I set boundaries as I continue to work to improve my communication of needs, respectfully. Surround yourself with expert support in addition to friends and family who truly care about you. Emotional rest is so needed after the year we just experienced. 

Healing requires human connectedness. It is impossible to build a support system, strong team, or strong organization when we are not connected. This requires real communication and can't be accomplished through email, Zoom, etc. Technology can be used to build connections and requires strong support. I often provided that for many this last year and I think that is why I am so tired after teaching during COVID.  Much of my year was navigating in isolation and helping others through this tough academic year. It is important to communicate and to be an advocate for the need for human connectedness. 

Foster sensory and creative rest.  Creative rest recharges us and after being so plugged in for so long, I think my front porch is calling again. Too much technology can break intimacy and even relationships. It is ok to put an out-of-office email up.  That being said... peace out. :)


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