Moving Beyond My Judgments and Biased Thinking

Often we become stuck in old patterns of thought. This is known as patterned thinking.  We tend to hold onto judgments, beliefs, messed-up principles based on prior experiences, and fail to recognize our unfulfilled needs. This type of thinking can hold us back. In order to move forward, we must confront problems honestly. People often fail to do this. They believe changing jobs, buying that new item, moving to a new geographical location of living, going to another country, changing partners, etc. will finally satisfy their needs. Changing physical circumstances doesn't address the true issue, which is the need to recognize and perhaps shift patterned thinking. What is the pattern causing your unhappiness? This requires us to address problems on a deeper level. 

Imagine what would happen if each of us would examine ourselves personally and took responsibility for issues, less judgment, and recognition of our own biased thinking. I am including myself here. I am attempting to journal my ideas in this space. Some I publish, some of my thoughts are private. Writing and reflecting on our judgments and biased thinking can help deepen our understanding. At least that is what I am attempting to do. This energy can impact the energy we bring to a situation. Our unseen projections are often the very bothersome traits we see in other people. 

  • Sneaky 
  • Unavailable 
  • Manipulative 
  • Misleading
  • Lying 
  • Imposter 
  • Lazy
  • Abandoning 
  • Unloyal 
  • Hypocrisy 
  • Pride 
  • Ignore
These behaviors identified above are behaviors that annoy me in others. However, these also provide a window into my own patterns of thinking that may be mirrored back to me by others. How are these actions displayed unconsciously in my own patterns? I pray that this is revealed so that I can break this habit moving forward. 


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